user generated content reviews

How user generated content reviews help you convert more?

Consider how many times you’ve been on the approach of making a significant purchase. What factors did you consider before making your final decision? If reading online reviews was one of your activities, you are one of the 88% of buyers who use online reviews to make purchasing decisions.

It is assumed that the user generated content reviews will boost up the conversion by making your store more trustworthy.

If a customer visits your store and gets noticed on the reviews with user generated content like photos/videos, their minds will be stuck on that particular product and forced to buy the same. So the user generated content plays a significant role in influencing the customers.


User generated content reviews benefits

UGC reviews and social media platforms go together like peanut butter and jelly. When the strengths of each are blended, something spectacular happens.

Using social media to run user generated content (UGC) reviews is a great way to develop your brand and build customer relationships.


user generated content reviews


User generated content is a data gold mine, a benefit that is sometimes overlooked—analyzing the content that your audience shares can reveal important information. This allows you to gain a better understanding of your target audience and what they find interesting.

Your audience will generate content that differs from what your marketing team produces. So make the most of this “outsider” perspective.

These photographs, videos, reviews, and more provide a unique perspective and point of view. As a result, UGC maintains a high level of interest in its content.

It also invites new users to participate in the same and loyal users to stay involved.


Why is user generated content reviews so critical?

For generations, we have been social beings who have learned from one another and shared our experiences. Yes, it may have begun with gestures to “talk” about the most fantastic restaurants and the best places to overnight in a tent, but nothing has changed.

We still rely on each other’s promising findings in this modern-day, primarily user generated content, and we often let them influence our decisions.


user generated content reviews


You can quickly generate trustworthiness and loyalty for a product using the tactic like user generated content. Other than simply displaying word reviews, try to enhance that by showcasing those reviews with multiple features like photo/video, which assures the boosted-up conversion results for your store.

So, your customer gets satisfaction with your product by getting UGC reviews. UGC reviews are a type of social proof that carries more weight than any other.

What sets UGC reviews apart from celebrity (or influencer) endorsements, for example, is that they are far more genuine, relatable, and trustworthy. They don’t have that “advertising vibe,” which is precisely why they’re so essential for any brand.


Three user generated content reviews examples that bring more value to your brand

Here are the three UGC review examples that can help your store to implement the same.


1. UGC with ‘Tick’ mark and a “verified user” badge

Collecting verified reviews only, which is simple using a review app, is one approach to avoid doubt and appear more trustworthy. After your customers’ orders are fulfilled or delivered, they’ll receive a WhatsApp review request inquiring about their experience with your products, which they can quickly respond to you via WhatsApp.


user generated content reviews


When you display your gathered reviews in your store, the customers will identify those reviews as UGC verified reviews. Here are the Tips to effectively set up a Shopify product page with reviews.


2. Specific user generated content review outcomes motivate people to take action.

Although reading stories is pleasant, customer evaluations that go to the point might be much more so. Getting a detailed overview of the product might make more satisfaction in customers. Customer reviews that detail the outcomes give potential buyers an idea of what they’ll get if they purchase.

The review app doesn’t usually build emotional attachments; instead, they describe the product’s immediate influence on the prior buyer’s daily life, which is what makes them so powerful.


3. In reviews, real photos help to express the experiences more accurately.

There’s no better way to see how a product looks in real life than to see someone using it when purchasing online. Then, they can realize what the exact effect is and does it can fulfil their needs.

Review photos provide potential customers that true feeling, allowing them to decide whether or not they like a product and whether or not it will look good in their environment.

The customers will trust your product because of this photo review generated by your regular customers, and they can buy the same with full of confidence.


user generated content reviews


How to get user generated content reviews?

For the Shopify platform, there is an app that will help your store to get entirely trustworthy user generated content reviews. The review request sending and review collection is just done through WhatsApp using an automated chatbot. So there won’t be any delay in getting reviews.

You only need to set messages according to your brand that should be sent and schedule the messages, like after fulfilment or after purchase, or after delivery.

You will feel the easiness of the collection of reviews, primarily user generated content reviews. You are also able to integrate with other review apps like Yotpo, Loox and so on and at the same time, it is easy to build social proof for your product.


Final thoughts

One of the most acceptable methods to promote business success is to let your consumers speak for your brand, and in today’s highly competitive world, this cannot be ignored. The good thing is that you have complete control over UGC reviews.

Everything you do, from the initial contact with a consumer to the post-purchase experience, has an impact on how customers perceive your brand.

Employ the correct tools to ask for UGC reviews from your consumers, and then use the reviews as social proof to create trust and get feedback to improve your business. Putting your best foot forward is a terrific approach to raise conversion rates and expand your business.

Best of luck!

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