How can I change chat languages?

You can change chat language in two ways.

1st way:

  • Go to “Chat flow settings” page on dashborad.
  • Under ‘Configuration’ tab you will find an option titled “Messaging Language
  • There you can set your language under “Review Chat language”
WhatsApp review requests on Shopify

2nd way:

  • Go to “Chat flow settings” page on dashborad.
  • Under ‘Templates’ tab you will find an option titled “Ask product rating” on the left side of the same page.
  • Then under “Ask product rating” click on “Product Rating Message”
  • Go to “Chat flow settings” page on dashborad.
  • Under ‘Configuration’ tab you will find an option titled “Messaging Language
  • There you can set your language.
WhatsApp review requests on Shopify

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