Customize WhatsApp Review Request Chat Convo

You are able to edit every message that suits your brand on the “WhatsApp settings” page.

Steps required:

Here are the steps that you should follow to setup review request properly

Product rating message

  • Go to “WhatsApp settings” page
  • There you ca find your first “Product Rating Message” as 5th option.
  • This is a default message. If you want to make changes should “create new” and then submit the message to the WhatsApp team for the pre-approval.
  • After sending the message successfully an amount will be paid

Learn more here about the cost of the message.

WhatsApp review requests on Shopify

Review messages

  • Next move on to the sessional messages.
  • After receiving a product rating messages next sessional message will be send asking “review message” as 6th option
  • This is also can be edited by clicking “edit message“, there is no any need of pre-approval for sessional messages.
WhatsApp review requests on Shopify

Photo/video reviews

  • Next sessional message will ask for the photo/video reviews as 7th option and its template also can be edited.
  • After sending an automated “Thank you saying message” as 8th option for sharing photo/video reviews, then a message can be send offering discount coupon (optional) for next purchase.

Support for low rating

  • If you get a negative feedback then quickly enable the 9th optionSupport for Low Rating send a customer support message with your support number.
  • If you get a “Wrong Product Rating Message” then a message will be send asking again for the product rating. Which cannot be edited and it is set as 10th option.
WhatsApp review requests on Shopify
  • Finally you can set discount coupon percentage as you wish, which is 11th option.
WhatsApp review requests on Shopify

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