Import reviews to other reviews app

You can choose your convenient review apps that you are already downloaded, to import reviews from reviewbit.

Step required to import reviews:

  • Go to “Reviews” page.
  • Then you should select required approved reviews
  • Then you can see “Export” button and click it.
WhatsApp review requests on Shopify
  • Then a pop up screen appears
WhatsApp review requests on Shopify
  • There you can choose “export” option eg: “Current Page
  • Then click an option in “choose an app to import” eg: “Yotpo
  • Then click “Export Review
  • Then a CSV file will be downloaded automatically which is then can be used to import into the review app that is already in use.
  • If you choose yotpo
    • Log in to your Yotpo Reviews & Ratings administrator account.
    • To import reviews, go to Collect Reviews and then click Import Reviews.
WhatsApp review requests on Shopify
  • Then click upload CSV file
WhatsApp review requests on Shopify
  • Then click “Import Reviews“.
WhatsApp review requests on Shopify
  • Your importing procedures are now all set.

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